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Let's Work Together!

Workshops, Courses, Panels, Articles & Podcasts

I am available to offer consultations, workshops, talks, and courses for you, your organisation, and/or project. I can speak on a variety of topics, including but not limited to (anti-)ageism, youth liberation, LGBTQ+ issues, animal rights, as well as any of my books, theories, or community projects.

Press & Features


Defining Ageism on Out of Line Podcast

(April 2024)

Queer Spaces LGBTQ+ History Conference by Out Loud at the London Metropolitan LGBTQ+ Archives

(Nov 2023)

Age-Trauma & Youth Oppression on The Frontline Herbalism Podcast

(Sept 2023)

Our Hen House Podcast: A New Type of DELINQUENT

(July 2023)

Q&A with Dalston Solidarity Cafe

(April 2023)

Choose Animality Over Apathy! article featured in DOPE Magazine

(Spring 2023 Edition) 

What is the Abolitionist Response to P**dophiles? essay on DELINQUENTS blog 

(Jan 2023)



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